Friday, April 11, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Ethan and Laurel are attempting to play Mousetrap. As usual, Laurel gets bored and says she is going upstairs to play. Ethan says, "OK suit yourself." Laurel huffs and puffs on over in tattle-tale stance. "Mom, Ethan just told me to go shoot myself."

We are watching a portion from the Perfect Storm when one of the fishermen gets pulled overboard with a giant fish hook in his hand. After the rescue, they have to extract the hook and then they give him a tetanus shot. During the whole scene Ethan's eyes are big, really big. I am agonizing over the hook myself. Ethan is agonizing over the tetanus shot. He turns to me and says, "Look! they had to give that man a health needle." Laurel chimes in, "I had to go to the doctor once and they gave me a bunch of health needles."

We were reading a book that went through the whole Creation and Adam/Eve story. At the end there are the angels guarding the gate to keep Adam and Eve out of the garden. Ethan says, "God should have put those angels around the tree instead."

I am cutting up carrots for dinner and deide to offer the tip of each carrot to the kids for a snack. Who wants a carrot? "I heard Ethan say "ME" I hear Laurel say "ME" Wait, that's not Laurel. Malcolm is standing at my heels and repeating "Me" This may not sound so funny to you, but this was such a surprise and and so adorable. And he was so proud of himself for doing something his older brother was doing.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, Sandy, I laughed so hard at these, especially the angels. So great--thanks for sharing!