Friday, July 15, 2005


When was the last time you took a vacation? My family will be setting out for Colorado this evening, and so far, preparations for this excursion have been anything but relaxing and tranquil. Have vacations always been this stressfull? The planning, the packing, the errands to Target and the bank, have got me exhausted, and that, before we have even left the driveway. My hope is that all the forethought will lead to a mostly problem-free week. I am desiring a trip in which my husband and I are able to seek the Lord whenever "issues" arise. (I'm thinking about two toddlers in a backseat for a 14 hr or so car trip) The babies have not had naps today; we're hoping that will encourage a little more resting on the first leg of the trip. The only catch is that Mom has had no nap either and will be driving for a good portion into the night; let's hope some coffee and a super-cool air conditioner will be all it takes to keep me going for a while this evening.

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