Saturday, March 21, 2009

Birthday Party

We celebrated Ethan's 7th birthday today with a catapult party. Ethan and Clint made 2 catapults this week for the event. We went to the park down the street and had the kids try to hit golf balls into the buckets in the center of the field. At the house we sang Happy Birthday to Ethan and had cake and ice cream. Some folks brought non-perishable food goods for a local food bank --the Mustard Seed. Ethan will get to take the items downtown with Clint sometime later this week. To go along with the catapult theme, Ethan picked out a shield cake that had a mace on top of it. And all of the treats on the table mimicked some type of ammunition that was used with catapults. There were baskets of snakes (gummy worms), heads from the enemy (tootsie roll pops with googlie eyes), piles of horse dung (really Crispex puppy chow),barrels of gooey toxic stuff (rolos candy), and lead balls (Whoppers)


hoesayfina said...

what a fun party. great pictures. miss you guys!

Amy said...

You said Ethan picked the cake...picked it from where? That's quite a cake.