Thursday, November 06, 2008


Our highlights for studying weather included making clouds. We used cotton to create cumulus and cirrus clouds and then colored stratus clouds. The kids also painted clouds that looked like things(anything they wanted it to look like) using white paint on blue construction paper. My favorites were Ethan's gorilla and Laurel's castle. We made a weather vane and talked about North South East and West. We made a homemade rain gauge using a 2 liter bottle and marbles. We made an anemometer to measure wind speed using ping pong balls and a protractor, and we made a barometer to measure pressure using a glass jar, a balloon, and a straw/toothpick combination. So after we made all the weather station equipment, we had to take data. Luckily it rained on the day we made the rain gauge and a couple of days later it got really windy and so the anemometer and weather vane worked really well. We also recorded the type of clouds we saw in the sky. This was a very cool science unit.


Amy said...

That does sound really cool!

hoesayfina said...

way cool's great how the weather cooperated for you too! miss you!-m