Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Ethan loses his first baby tooth

On Saturday Ethan told me he had a loose tooth. By Sunday afternoon, he had managed to pull it out and was anxiously awaiting the tooth fairy. Oh the pressures associated with making sure this tradition is carried out.What if I can't find the tooth? What if he wakes up? How much loot do I give? Clint was up for the task and Ethan woke up the next morning to find 2 toonies and a loonie beneath his pillow. When I was growing up, I always got 1 crisp dollar bill from the tooth fairy, even the time I dropped my tooth down the drain and had to leave a note for the tooth fairy instead. One thing that hasn't changed is the excitement surrounding the whole event. I was relieved that this first tooth loss was not a drawn out affair. I was imagining this tooth hanging by a thread for several days and not knowing whether I should pull it and not being allowed to get anywhere near it. Fortunately, it was a painless event for me. Oh, but there are so many more teeth to go. And will I cry about all of them like I cried about this one? My baby Ethan is growing up.


hoesayfina said...

what are two toonies and a loonie? ironically it sounds like they fit in with loose tooths. :) -maria

sandy said...

You should know this from when you guys honeymooned up here. A Toonie is a coin valued at 2 dollars while a loony which has a picture of the bird called a loon on it, is what they use instead of dollars.

~Melissa~ said...

What a sweet picture! Still waiting for teeth to start falling out here. I didn't remember what a toonie was, but I do have a loony from my last trip to Canada. :)

Clint said...

Maybe $5 was too much...Ethan did ask us in the car the other day if the tooth fairy was "really real." To save money, should we tell him???

hoesayfina said...

Would love to see a new post. I know E's already lost another tooth! :) We are thankful and blessed by your hear to serve God in Canada! Love and miss you. Post so we can see pictures and know a little more about what's going on with you up there. Don't worry I will still call you to find out more!

love, -maria

Aaron said...

Dude, Five bucks! Ethan made out good! Hopefully he doesn't get any ideas in his head for making a little extra cash :)