Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Space Adventure

This past Saturday we celebrated Ethan's 5th birthday. Sometimes, I affectionately call him "my sonshine." So, fittingly, we decided to have a space birthday

party for him this year. (Though I didn't really think of the correlation until right now:) About a month ago I started making papier mache helmets. I had never worked with this medium before and it was a lot of fun. I also collected cereal boxes and water bottles, spray painting them silver to create jet packs. The jet packs then served as a container for prizes as well as part of the astronaut costume. I had Clint build a model of a space shuttle. I promise I did not force him to make one as elaborate as our eventual product. But I am glad he spent so much time on the details. It was incredible and a whole 18 ft long. We are donating it to a local school for use in their science program. We kept the party kind of small this year, though with 15 relatives it still filled up Lansharx. But having a smaller number of children made the activities much more manageable and Ethan had a wonderful time which was what we were hoping to achieve. Can you believe Ethan is 5?

1 comment:

Amy said...

WOW!! I'm seriously impressed with all of your decorations! It looks like Ethan had a blast(-off?).