Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Big Apple; Also pretzal, pizza, building, etc.

Here are some pics from Clint and Ethan's recent trip to New York City. They flew up to Pennsylvania to pick up a car Clint had purchased on (you guessed it) Ebay. After picking up the truck they drove on up to NY. This was Ethan's first time to fly, first time to ride on a subway, and the first time to see skyscrapers up close (Previously, he had been impressed with the Alico building) I'm not sure how we will ever be able to top a trip to NY, but Ethan has definitely acquired a taste for exploring new places.

This is a picture taken by a fellow tourist. Clint was disappointed with it since he had been meticulous in taking their picture, and this lady took theirs without much care.
Here's the famous Statue of Liberty. Clint said he actually teared up when they passed her on the ferry, and for those of you who know him, American patriotism is not usually his strong point.:)

Ethan aboard the Staten Island Ferry. (one of several)

Where is David Letterman? Is it too late to get tickets?

Looking at the skaters below the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center.

Ethan and the GIANT PRETZAL. Also, taxis in the background.

I love the Subway. DAD, are you sure that we are going in the right direction?

This building is a lot taller than the Alico building! (The Rockefeller Center's GE building)


Anonymous said...

What great pictures! It looks like such a good time, and who knew Clint was such a softie! =)

Anonymous said...

The NY pictures are great. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Is there anywhere Clint hasn't been???