Friday, November 10, 2006

The Greatest Anniversary Gift Ever

Eight years ago on October 17, 1998 Clint and I exchanged vows at Crestview Church of Christ. In the limo on the way to our honeymoon in Victoria, British Columbia, we exchanged gifts. Clint bought me a beautiful watch. A perfect token of his love for me. This October we celebrated 8 years of marriage with a mutual gift of another sort -- we welcomed our 3rd child, Malcolm Henry into this world. Malcolm was born at 10:55 am and weighed 7lbs 7oz. He was 20 and 1/2 inches long. We are all elated with our newest addition and in awe once again with the miracle of creation and the love of our Creator.


Amanda said...

He is so beautiful, Sandy! We can't wait to watch him grow...

Anonymous said...

great picture. great post. we look forward to getting to know sweet little Malcolm!!

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again--he is simply a beautiful baby!

Anonymous said...

This boy MUST take after his mother!!! Beautiful!!!