Tuesday, February 21, 2006

10 Random or not so Random Questions

Question: Did you know that rats like apples?
Question: Did you know that they can carry them from your dining room table to a more
preferred dining location elsewhere in their (I mean your) home?
Question: Does anyone really care when the church doesn't meet? Or does it just make life easier?
Question: When are kids able to pick up their own messes?
Question: What's wrong with pink?
Question: Can an almost 4 year old learn to read?
Question: How do you convince a 4 year old that reading is fun?
Question: How do you decide whom to invite to your child's birthday party these days? Everyone
is just so many now.
Question: Why does Ethan believe a tiny hole in his pants means he has to tear it wide open and
all the way across the seam?(This has happened twice.)
Question: Why do kids like to play trashman? And what about all those pillow piles? Yikes!


Anonymous said...

I care when the Church does not meet, Sandy. I really do.

Sometimes I feel as though we lean too heavily on meetings, BUT I do NOT believe that meeting less is the answer!

Anonymous said...

I think we were created to be "in community" with one another. Amazing things happen when believers come together to celebrate Jesus. I treasure the scheduled assemblies as well as the impromtu ones. I must admit that there are times when a small group meeting is cancelled, I am relieved (especially if a Science project is due the next day), but one the whole, something just isn't right when opportunities to be with the body are missed.

Amy said...

I assume the church question (hidden among all the truly random, yet fun, questions) is referring to this past weekend...? If not, please excuse the following "answer". When it is 35 degrees outside and raining, and several people are sick, and there would only be three adults (out of 9) at a meeting, then I DON'T care if we don't meet. It seems silly, as if we're doing it just because we're supposed to, because it's on the schedule. In most other cases, I DO care if we meet or not, and lean toward meeting. Lately, however, I've been noticing (and been frustrated by) the stark contrast between "meetings" and "community". It seems lately I've experienced a lot of the former and very little of the latter.

~Melissa~ said...

My answers:
Not the same church, but I agree that we were created to be in community with each other, so yes.
Give him chocolate.
Have a lottery.
Just to see what happens.
Just because.


sandy said...

To clarify Amy's assumption, our canceled meeting is what got me thinking about this again; however, not because I thought we should have still met. Meeting for meeting's sake has never been my heart. To be honest, my first thought was that of relief. (Clint was busy in the kitchen and needed more time to finish up a project, no messy house to clean up afterwards, and no fear of awkward moments)But after that, came a type of mourning. I really had been looking forward to being with everyone and sharing the Lord. You see, with our schedule these days, we really get no fellowship time except when we meet. I get some on Wednesdays, but Clint gets absolutely zilch. We both desire more, but right now that is an impossibility and we will take what we can get. So that sadness I felt after the initial relief was what I have been wondering about this week: Do other people really miss it when we don't get together? I am sometimes tempted to believe that no one really cares about meeting (anytime we get together,not just formally) unless it is convenient to them.

audrey said...

Reading your questions and reading their answers...It sounds a lot like real life. We will always be yearning for something better, because there is something better, and we know it. We were made for something better, and we can feel it. We instinctively know when we have hit the nail on the head, when we have experienced something so precious and real that it creates this insatiable desire for more. It's kind of addicting...insatiable desire for more. This is what I pray for you today...
"...may the Lord make your love grow and overflow to eaach other and to everyone else, just as our love overflows toward you. As a result, Christ will make your hearts strong, blameless, and holy when you stand before God our Father on that day when our Lord Jesus comes with all those who belong to Him." 1 Thess 3:12,13

Brooke said...

Sandy, awhile back Adam posted on "divine discontent." Reading the comment above mine made me think of it and how that's kind of what you're experiencing. You should ask Adam about to talk about it sometime - or maybe I can try to find that post and send it to you :)

hoesayfina said...

Yes, i care that the Church desires to meet. Whether that be meeting for lunch, a prayer, worship, to hang out....whatever it might be to encourage each other to go on in Him. A lack of desire to spend time with His people (who are of Him) would seem to relate to a lack of desire to go on with Him. (I am blessed by Audrey's comment about having an insatiable desire for more).

hoesayfina said...

i will add that along with a desire comes a responsibility to be obedient to the Lord's heart of Love in initiating times to share Him. It is His heart for us to be in community. Not for the sake of Community, but for the sake of His Church! If we are about Him...then Let us Be about Him! If we are about other things...then it will show in how we want and choose to spend our time.

Praise Him that is up to Him. May we YIELD to HIS HEART.

"Unless a Grain of Wheat Falls..."

Anonymous said...

I did not know that rats liked apples or that they could carry them away to eat, but it disturbs me that you know, I hope you say it on the discovery channel and not in your dining room.

I don't have kids, but it seems to me that they pick upi things at a very early age, the problem is that things don't get cleaner, but the opposite

There is a lot wrong with pink

Again I don't know a ton about early childhood, but if they can read at 4 make sure they like it and it's not punishment.

I don't know how you making reading fun, but it is and everyone should thinks so, good luck, the chocolate idea has some promise

Ask the kids who to invite.

I don't get it, isn't tearing them open the appropriate response to a hole in your pants, how else do you know what is in there

I'm not sure what you mean, but if they like to play trashman would'nt they be picking up after themselves.

Disclamer: some questions were intentinally left unanswered. Sandy if you want to talk about it more lets do it in person.